Sunday, October 19, 2008

A day of rest

Sunday is a day off.  Instead, there will be something from someone else:  A poem, a link, a quote, a post from a friend.  Anything I feel moved  to share.

Enjoy the day.

my father was not in the telephone book
in my city;
my father was not sleeping with my mother 
at home;
my father did not care if I studied the
my father did not care what I
and I thought my father was handsome and I loved him and I wondered
he left me alone so much
so many years
in fact, but
my father
made me what I am
a lonely woman
without purpose, just as I was
a lonely child
without a father.  I walked with words, words, words, and names,
names.  Father was not
one of my words.
Father was not
one of my names.

from The Father of My Country

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